Wednesday, February 13, 2013

16 Weeks

For those of you who have not heard yet, we got some very sad news almost three weeks ago now.  We learned that our 4th child has a condition known as Trisomy 13, and he is given a very poor prognosis.

I am now 18 1/2 weeks pregnant and as the truth settles, there is great sadness, but comfort  in knowing that we have the love and support of family and friends.  The greatest peace that we have is  that this world is not our home.  "In this world, you will have sorrow, but take heart, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33 ) .  We also know that if we are absent in the flesh, we are present with God.  Our little baby boy will never be alone.  He will always be loved.

We set up this blog to for those of you who want to walk with us.  It will be a way for us to communicate with you about the details of what is happening.  We don't know how long our little boy will live, but we want to cherish every minute.

We have decided to name him "Josiah", which in Hebrew means "Jehovah Heals".  We know that God is capable of a miracle in his little body.  If He chooses to do this, we will be grateful.  If he chooses to take him to heaven, we will accept that as well.  Just as we have cared for our other three children, we plan to care for Josiah,  if his life is short or long.

Because we have made nicknames for all of our little guys, you we will interchange "Joey" with "Josiah" as we talk about him.    When you ask about him, please feel free to use either name.    We love them both!

We are SO thankful for all of your cards, texts, e-mails, calls, meals, and mostly your prayers.  We do really feel supported by prayer and love.  We are blessed with such support, and we are so very grateful.  Thank you............


  1. LOVE the name guys! We love you guys and are praying for you. -Steve & Bianca

  2. Amanda and Chad, I just saw this. Wanted you to know that I am praying for you and your family. Much love!

  3. Praying for you guys. Katie and I enjoyed getting to know your family a little better. -Chris Green

  4. Bianca just told me your news and I am praying for you all. I just read 1 Peter 2:20-21 and thought of you. It says "But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God." You both are walking in and submitting to God's will and are suffering for walking in the way that is right instead of taking doctor's advice, etc... I know that God is and will continue to be so glorified through you both. I consider it a privilege to be walking by you and lifting you and sweet Josiah up in prayer. Thank you for letting us in on your journey of faith.
